Woohoo! New bed for me 🐶

Hello dear friends!

So I’ve been using my old bed I’ve had ever since I was picked up by my parents. Apparently it was getting a bit small for me:

But it was fine when I was a wee little pupper:

So I got a new bed this week! It is still kinda tight when I stretch out:

But I love the memory foam bedding and the side bolsters are nice and firm and at just the right height for me to rest my little noggin on:

I would say there’s around 20% more space compared to my old bed, and yeah I like to curl up when I take an afternoon nap so it is perfect for me! I can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon so that I can take another nap in this fine bed! 🐶

– Angus 🐾

Time to make some no-knead bread!

Hi friends,

Angus here reporting on a nice mid-March day! It was a bit ruff, but I have finally gotten used to losing an hour of sleep thanks to daylight savings time. Well, at least the good thing about it is that sundown is now at 7:30pm rather than 6:30pm this time of year, so that’s another hour of daylight I get to enjoy in the evening. 

So my parents are into making things from scratch, like their deck and their tables. But they also like to make bread from scratch. I just love the smell of fresh baked bread! They also say I look like bread from time to time… is that true?

Unfortunately I haven’t gotten piece of their bread to try yet because my parents don’t give me any of their food. Well that’s ok, I know they won’t give me any so I don’t even ask. But they eat so much of this no-knead crusty bread they make a large batch every couple of weeks!

Alright guys, time for me to get back into my croissant position and have a nap! Till next time.

– Angus 🐾

Yes I get to have my favourite treat again!

Hello dear friends,

Can you guys guess what my most favourite treat in the world is? There’s just one that makes me so happy that I have to do a bit of a happy dance before getting down to the business of chewing the treat. 


It’s pig ears! They are so yum, and so crunchy! I hope to get more pig ears soon ?! I’m not sure what gets my parents to give me pig ears, but whatever it is, I should do it more often.

– Angus ?