Yes I get to have my favourite treat again!

Hello dear friends,

Can you guys guess what my most favourite treat in the world is? There’s just one that makes me so happy that I have to do a bit of a happy dance before getting down to the business of chewing the treat.

It’s pig ears! They are so yum, and so crunchy! I hope to get more pig ears soon ?! I’m not sure what gets my parents to give me pig ears, but whatever it is, I should do it more often.

– Angus ?

Oh man I really love these new treats! ?

Hello frienderinos!

Angus the Corgi here with another update! Hope you all are enjoying the winter holidays! I’ve been lucky enough to be at a couple of fun parties so far ?. I’ll be sure to share a post about my holidays soon!

So I love treats! I’m not like a devourer of grubs; I won’t vacuum up my food in 20 seconds or anything like that, but I do love treats! There’s such variety with treats and yeah, I suppose I do have some regulars like mini milk-bones and small pieces of freeze dried liver I get when I successfully do a trick which I like very much, but there are some super favourite treats that I get from time to time. I guess they are a special occasions kind of treat, or maybe when one of my parents are super happy that moment I get one, but whatever, all I can tell you is that there are some super treats out there.

One that I’ve been getting these days are dried pig ears. Wow, they are so nice and crunchy and flavourful ?! Here’s a video of me “enjoying” a pig ear:

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