Having a blast camping on Easter Weekend!

Hello friends!

I got to go camping on the Easter weekend that just passed, and I had a great time hiking and taking a ride in a canoe! I went to Point Pelee National Park, which is about a 3.5 hour drive from home. 

During my hikes, I ran into lots of birdwatchers, but also other doggies too! I hear that this park is famous for birding, because it is part of a major bird and butterfly migration corridor. The park is mostly marshland, so is great for waterfowl species, and is located in the southernmost point of mainland Canada.

I got to pose at this southernmost point, and it makes me proud that I’ve been able to visit such an important geographical landmark!

 Here’s a video of me walking through the DeLaurier Homestead Trail and I get to sniff around the woods and end up in a manmade canal that was used to help distribute water to the farmers that used to live there many years ago. It is pretty much marshland here so you get to hear spring peepers and redwing blackbirds singing their songs.

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I’ll be posting soon about my other activities in Point Pelee so stay tuned!

– Angus 🐾

Walking on the shoreline of Lake Superior last summer

Hello dear friends,

Angus here with another update this week! I’m planning to go camping this Easter weekend so I’m looking at a few videos of my last camping trip in Lake Superior Provincial Park.

It is a very nice park! It has hiking trails, nice beaches and a long shoreline to look out to Lake Superior, the largest of the Great Lakes in North America.

I’m currently working on a travel section of my website, so you guys can look forward to seeing more details and photos of my trip to Lake Superior Provincial Park soon! In the meanwhile, here’s a video of me walking gingerly across some pebbles along the shoreline;

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Have a nice Easter long weekend everyone! 

– Angus 🐾

Another windy day hits my fur

Hello friends,

It’s been very windy the past few days, so the local kite flyers must be having a field day showing off their latest wind flying creations! Maybe I’ll have a kite of my own one day… 

I personally love a nice windy (and sunny) day because it feels nice to have the wind hit my fur. It is quite cooling for someone that has a double fur coat that is currently in winter-thick mode like me.

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Ok, so we’re in Spring now, which means I’ll be going on a camping trip soon! So check back with me soon to see how much fun (or how much rain) I had on the trip. See you all soon! 🐶

– Angus 🐾


Enjoying a nice windy Spring day at the park

Hi friends,

Angus here for another update in the life and times of Angus the Corgi! 

So I get walks everyday, and I walk through all sorts of weather conditions, from nice and sunny to cold and raining. We are in Spring now here in my nick of the woods, and so we gets all sorts of weather, it’s even supposed to snow a bit this week!

But today we have overcast and windy, so here’s a short video of me enjoying a walk in the wind. The wind is strong in this video, so if your volume is set a bit too high, it might get real loud!

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Have a nice week everyone!

– Angus 🐾

The first sign of Spring… other than the birds chirping

Hello dear friends,

Angus here for another update in the life and times of Angus the Corgi. I’m suffering a bit from cabin fever because it’s been a long winter, so I’m ready for Spring to arrive! Don’t get me wrong though, my pawrents still take me out on walks twice a day and with the occasional weekend hike, but it’d be nice to be able to go on long adventures and do some camping again.

The first sign of Spring is known in North America to be the robins singing their musical songs. It’s a nice song that tells me that the remaining snow on the ground is going to melt. 

Another first sign of Spring, at least at my home, is my pawrents changing their tires on their cars, from winters to all-seasons. Nothing pleases me more than supervising this change:

Yep, looks like everything went well:

Now the cars should be ready for nice and long summer adventures!

– Angus 🐾

Woohoo! New bed for me 🐶

Hello dear friends!

So I’ve been using my old bed I’ve had ever since I was picked up by my parents. Apparently it was getting a bit small for me:

But it was fine when I was a wee little pupper:

So I got a new bed this week! It is still kinda tight when I stretch out:

But I love the memory foam bedding and the side bolsters are nice and firm and at just the right height for me to rest my little noggin on:

I would say there’s around 20% more space compared to my old bed, and yeah I like to curl up when I take an afternoon nap so it is perfect for me! I can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon so that I can take another nap in this fine bed! 🐶

– Angus 🐾

Time to make some no-knead bread!

Hi friends,

Angus here reporting on a nice mid-March day! It was a bit ruff, but I have finally gotten used to losing an hour of sleep thanks to daylight savings time. Well, at least the good thing about it is that sundown is now at 7:30pm rather than 6:30pm this time of year, so that’s another hour of daylight I get to enjoy in the evening. 

So my parents are into making things from scratch, like their deck and their tables. But they also like to make bread from scratch. I just love the smell of fresh baked bread! They also say I look like bread from time to time… is that true?

Unfortunately I haven’t gotten piece of their bread to try yet because my parents don’t give me any of their food. Well that’s ok, I know they won’t give me any so I don’t even ask. But they eat so much of this no-knead crusty bread they make a large batch every couple of weeks!

Alright guys, time for me to get back into my croissant position and have a nap! Till next time.

– Angus 🐾

Yes I get to have my favourite treat again!

Hello dear friends,

Can you guys guess what my most favourite treat in the world is? There’s just one that makes me so happy that I have to do a bit of a happy dance before getting down to the business of chewing the treat. 


It’s pig ears! They are so yum, and so crunchy! I hope to get more pig ears soon ?! I’m not sure what gets my parents to give me pig ears, but whatever it is, I should do it more often.

– Angus ?

A nice day for a long nap

Hello friends!

Angus here for another update. So it is quite cold out today, and it is snowing! So I got to go out on the lake for some exercise:

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Hmmm, the good thing about being a corgi is that I have a double-layer fur coat to keep me warm in winter, and so even if it is in the minus double-figures and snowing out I don’t feel cold in the slightest bit. 

Once at home though, I love a nice afternoon nap as well! I like to also be nice and warm, don’t get me wrong ?.

Till next time!

– Angus ?

Winter walks in the snow are the best!

Hello friends!

Angus the Corgi here! It’s been a while since my last post, but I’ve been doing my walks and visiting some of my friends even during  January and February. Hope you all have been keeping warm! My parents complain that it’s been a cold winter this year in our nick of the woods, but of course I’m okay, because I have a double fur coat to keep me warm ?.

Here’s a video of me on a recent walk and hearing some barking from a small doggie. He had a few questions and I answered back with gusto! ?

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– Angus ?